Travel 101: How to Take an Epic Vacation
I get it. You need a vacation. You want to go on vacation. You have some money and some PTO available. But you are also a busy lady and do not want to spend a ton of time researching and planning. In my observation people spend way too much time researching and obsessing over every minute detail. It is easy to get overwhelmed. What if I told you that you do not need to be obsessed and you can just be “whelmed?” Each post linked below highlights how I go about planning and getting ready to go on a trip.
How to Plan a Trip in Five Easy Steps
Where do you even start? Here. This is where you start. This is an overview of how I go about planning my travel. tl:dr- so some planning, but don’t over-think it.
Five Things Worth Spending Extra On
Treat yo’ self! Some things are worth throwing down some extra coin for, especially if it makes your life easier.
Five Things Not Worth Spending Extra On
As the saying goes, travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer. That doesn’t mean you have an unlimited budget, however. Here are a few areas I have found are not worth the extra money.
The Best Apps For Travel
Have these loaded on your phone so you are ready to hit the ground running.